Reporting a Moderated Mediation Analysis

Arndt Regorz, Dipl. Kfm. & M.Sc. Psychologie, 04/11/2022

If you use PROCESS to test a moderated mediation, e.g. PROCESS models 7, 8, 14, 15, you have to decide how to report your results.

This is a companion webpage to a video tutorial about this topic. On this companion webpage you can find text examples how I would report a moderated mediation.

(Note: When you click on this video you are using a service offered by YouTube.)

PROCESS Output model 7, model 15

Output Model 7

Output Model 15

Report examples

Here you can find report examples for both approaches shown in the video:
- PROCESS Model 7 with a top-down approach and a full report
- PROCESS Model 15 with a bottom-up approach and a short report
Report examples