I have specialized in the following statistical analyses:
Mediation and Moderated Mediation with PROCESS
- Using the PROCESS macro for SPSS or for R
- Selecting the best PROCESS model template for your hypothesis
- Additional options for running PROCESS
- User defined models in PROCESS
- Dealing with covariates
- Model pruning
- Checking the regression assumptions when using PROCESS
- Interpreting PROCESS output (index of moderated mediation, conditional indirect effects, etc.)
- Reporting PROCESS results
Multilevel Modeling (= Mixed/Random Effects) with R or SPSS
- Cross-sectional models with nested data (e.g. students within schools)
- Longitudinal models (e.g. timepoints within persons)
- Dairy studies (intensive longitudinal data)
- Specifying the model
- Testing assumptions
- Interpreting results
SEM, CFA and Path Analysis with the Lavaan Package for R or with AMOS
- Model specification: Translating the theoretical model into lavaan code
- Model estimation: ML, robust estimation (Satorra-Bentler, Huber-White), bootstrap, missing values (FIML), checking assumptions
- Model evaluation: Chi-square, fit indices, global fit, local fit
- Model respecification: How to use modification indices
- Model interpretation: What do the results tell us?
- Troubleshooting: What to do if the model fit is not as espected, what to do if the model estimation does not converge
- Mediation: Partial indirect effects, total indirect effects, total effects, contrasts
- Moderation: Interactions in path analysis and in full SEM (with the double mean centering method)
- Dealing with binary or ordinary scale variables (only lavaan)
- Multigroup CFA (measurement invariance)
- Multigroup path analysis
- Longitudinal measurement invariance
- Cross-lagged panel models
- Item parceling (SEM, CFA)
- Comparing nested models (LR-Test/Chi-square difference test)
- Extracting factor values (SEM)
- Exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM, only lavaan)
- Multilevel SEM/CFA/Path analysis (only lavaan)
Equivalence Testing
- Equivalence testing for correlations
- Equivalence testing for group differences
- Equivalence testing for regression coefficients